You or your authorised representative* must provide consent for the information provided in the Civic Services application (and requested assessments and reports) to be used in the following ways:
To create a file (electronic and/or paper).
For assessment purposes.
To be shared with clinicians/support coordinators and their managers for the purposes of providing appropriate support to the applicant.
For statistical reporting (information is de-identified).
*Your representative could be a primary carer, family member, advocate or an appointed guardian. A paid worker such as a case manager or support worker cannot be your representative.
I have been informed and consent to the use of information in the application for the Civic Services I am applying for. I understand this information may be used to create a file (electronic or paper). I also understand this consent allows for information in this application to be used for statistical reporting.
I declare I have provided all information relevant to my application for Civic Services and the information given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.